Openness and transparency are important, open data sets are key to this. Giving people access to data and information helps to allow people to innovate and empowers people to participate in the quest for greater knowledge.
At the moment I haven’t found many data sets. If you have any suggestions for additions, tweet me @robertshippey or open an Issue on Github. In the future I’d like to start researching or collecting new data to include here, but I’m not sure yet what would be valuable, again get in touch with suggestions!
Sharing is caring.
A GitHub repository containing datasets provided by large-scale microbiome studies, two of which specifically relate to IBD. Each dataset is formatted for use with phyloseq.
The data is from large bowel endoscopic biopsies in the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield between 1990 and 1995. They look at endoscopies from over 800 patients and analyse different features of the data. There includes documentation and raw data in a variety of formats.
The map shows toilets that the public can use including those in shops, cafes etc if they choose to let non-customers use their loo, such as those in Community Toilet Schemes. They try not to include those that are for customer use only.
The data comes from councils, businesses, the OpenStreetMap project and you! The data will be available for others to use under an open licence. Please help by adding and editing toilets.
The UK government shares data about many things, searching their database for IBD brings four results from Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership. They are reports from national audits.
I don’t use any tracking or data collection software here.
I’ve embedded the Twitter Widget and although I’ve enabled their ‘Do Not Track’ option for that, they’ll probably still be collecting data and setting cookies for you. You can see Twitter’s info on widget privacy here.
I’ve hosted this on GitHub Pages and as far as I can see they don’t track any information, but see GitHub’s Privacy Statement for more info.
I don’t own the copyright to any of the datasets here. I’ve used some of their own text to explain the data for simplicity, I hope that’s okay.
I’ll never accept any payments of gifts in exchange for inclusion on this page.
Contact me, Robert Shippey, if you have any questions or concerns.
The site itself: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.